Blog your Life

The world has been so serious about life these days. Share what you got. Share your thought so we would not miss it for the world. It's a mad world I admit, but we can be tougher if we just speak up. Never scream, but shout out.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fun Under Frenzy Friends

Each day I ask God the ways I can be happy. Upon waking up I search for the things I used to do and redo it. I listen to music that makes me in high rock and roll. I stand in line to watch some good movies. I read. I play. I pray. But that doesnt suffice my happiness. Something's missing. And I have to find it.

Quite a long while that I hav'ent seen any of my friends. Atleast any of them. Nostalgia comes when I have time browsing pictures and see us highly crazy on simple things. I could only feel the giggle on stolen shots that even the most photogenic is victimized. I cant forget how they "pacute" in cameras to look good despite being tipsy and turned all over. And who would forget the sudden get-together plans being changed from time-to-time but getting ignored in the end? These I can only imagine. Only, but not never. And someone's missing, not something.

We leave to live. Some stayed but will leave soon. Some left because they'll go back sooner. There's no place like that of a friends' arm that we can't get enough. Neither distance nor time can't take the friendship away because it's a mutual feeling that transcends time, distance and history.

Once online we talk about the job, the jobless, business, NBA, FIFA, billboard, the States and dollars, fashion, Agua Bendita, love. We manage to put laughter on all these things and blow our status with posts and comments so much like a chatroom. But when we are asked how are we doing or "I miss you" or just a simple :( , the environment changes. It's not a simple touch on our emotions, it's more of a suppressed feeling we keep on hiding and we can keep it no longer. How ironic that the thing that make us happy is when we have a saddened friend, or us feeling down and there's a friend to talk to.

Friendship is more than just archives of pictures to be happy. It's more about true and honest company especially on the rainy days. It's about the joy whenever united and the cry whenever broken, plus a picture perfect shot of the crying ladies. Haha!

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