Blog your Life

The world has been so serious about life these days. Share what you got. Share your thought so we would not miss it for the world. It's a mad world I admit, but we can be tougher if we just speak up. Never scream, but shout out.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

When the Camera Shoots (Highschool)

No man would never be alone especially when the island is full of crazy people. We were once alone, but we got company. A company that became a group, a crowd, a community.

All started in highschool. Fresh. Young. Almost ready. We committed more mistakes. We failed, cried and almost gave up. But we stood up mistake after mistake. We met our friends. We smiled for the first time.

The company never ended after graduation. The friendship spread from just a section to the whole batch. From a single group to a platoon of people.

The mutual feeling gets stronger as years takes longer. Friendly hugs missed for years were expressed. As we get matured, we get more ways to show how we love our friends and how we keep the friendship alive.

Until the feeling gets exclusive for two persons beating the same rate of love. Dreaming of a happy ending by making a happy beginning.

And some just took the feeling away due to unexpected situation, yet keep the friendship they once had. Friendship, therefore is far above love and intimacy combined.

Some pursue their dreams to college, some grab the opportunity for a job. Some took it both. Amid busy days, no occasion is missed by the group. Friendship always finds a time and reason to celebrate even the most ordinary day.

We grow as lovely ladies and gentlemen. We were raised in conducive nature and nurture ways. We got friends to teach us, learn from us, reprimand and love us. All in one pack of friends.

We savor every picture perfect moment. We dont prepare for every shot, but we get ready for the story of each picture.

Time flew so swift no one even noticed the years added to the friendship. Every year is counted. It's one more year of celebration of a sturdy group. Lots of beer, cake, party, more party. But more importantly, lots of love for each other.

As we get older, we act much younger. We act like kids playing and messing around for fun. Mind not if one gets dirty, as long as others are dirty as well. It's not always that we get cherry on cake, but icing is sweeter and "much shareable".

Enjoying the summer heat is hotter with friends. Summer offers us scorch, but summer plus friends is scorch plus scratch, screams and scars that will live for years.

It would take more than sunset to break the friendship. No nights could encroach us and separate from the group. Once a friend, always a friend. And it's forever. Kudos to our friendship!

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