Blog your Life

The world has been so serious about life these days. Share what you got. Share your thought so we would not miss it for the world. It's a mad world I admit, but we can be tougher if we just speak up. Never scream, but shout out.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Latest 4 Years

Who would have thought that in a span of 4 years your life has changed dramatically? When you thought it's just highschool the second while in fact it's highschool to the nth power? When you were hysterical on Funda not knowing there's more to MS? And when you were steadfast in academics when you met your friends and rocked the years all over? Who would have thought of that?

It has been playful years for all as we laugh on simple things we make on ourselves.

But sometimes (most of the time), we become sick of thick books and long lectures we start to have multiple personality disorder.

We breakdown and feel desperate on things we can't achieve, or we can but we dont have resources. We become depressed and thought we can't make things through.

Amid all pressure, we did not run out of happiness. We made studying a happy experience. We score high on our quizzes. Participate on lessons. All because we were happy while enduring the deep thrust of knowledge in our head. c:

And no matter how 'haggard' we are, we always find time to show our best sides and angles. Beautiful anywhere, everywhere.

Professionalism is the name of the game and we got to look good at all times. We never fail the expectation to accomplish every task while keeping the poise.

Though active in theories, we never neglect our responsibility to excel in university activities as well. Magis not just on studies but on involvements in school.

We always want to achieve perfection in every work.

But we make sure we wo'nt spoil any fun experience in every hardwork.

We reward ourselves a toast for successful work & for all jobs well done. We show them that we are not just good at work, but at cork too.

Another one step closer to dream as we ended our nursing journey. We chose to wear a smile than be emotional for this moment because we know there's so much more to cry for and it's rough crying.

Another page has been folded as graduation came. Exhilaration. Excitement. Elation. Energy. Emotions. These mixed feeling flow much on our vein as we climb one of the final steps toward our living dream.

We take pride on one of our ultimate achievements. Four years is worth the wait for that parchment paper to be received and boast for the world. We're more than happy. But we know that next day after will be crucial as we start a graduate life and the fulfillment of our dream.

We study. We seldom sleep. No nightouts. All these paid off as we oathed to do good and be responsible for our deeds. We are now NURSES. Our persistence did not go to waste. We become prouder than before. We got what we badly claimed. We claimed what we should get.

The Start. Diligence. Perseverance. Endurance. Failure. Weariness. Friendship. Patience. Failure. Excellence. Gratitude. Optimism. Failure. Achievement. Involvement. Faith. Determination. Success. All these we owe to who we call one big FAMILY. Thanks.

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